Thursday, March 12, 2009

Digital Media Production: Google Mapsmanship

It didn't take too many driving mishaps for me to realize that Mapquest is seriously awful. I have no idea why people still choose it over Google Maps, which I would trust with my life. I almost cried when they released the Blackberry application. But all this time I had no idea anyone could make their own maps with highlighted attractions - pretty sweet. Kinda like yelp, but without the shadiness.

Without further ado.. my first attempt. San Francisco:

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Will you ever leave livejournal?" "No way, I have too many issues."

I never know how to answer the question, "How long have you been blogging?". Honestly, I've had a Livejournal since I was a fetus. If I hadn't my deleted my first few usernames (RIP quacky007), it would be interesting to go back and relive the astute thoughts I had at 11 years old. Oh, hold up, who in yaweh's name would want to read what an 11 year old has to say? It's probably for the best quacky007 was purged from the internet. But back to the first question. So, technically, I've been blogging somewhat steadily for almost half my life (my 22nd birthday is May 9th, gift ideas can be left in the comment section for my approval), but I prefer(d) to keep an intimate list of readers. My best friend (and fellow oldschool LJer), John, and I would scoff at the kids who put links to their neon colored Xangas in their AIM profiles - didn't they know ANYONE could be reading??

I still have a livejournal, but it rarely gets any action. Any inspiration I get to write is usually killed by the huge, blank white box that says "girlfriend, these two paragraphs better be hilarious/inspired/make me weep/blow me away/cook me breakfast". Thanks to the billion other media sites, it's so much easier to pop over to twitter when I think I have something witty to say, or to post all my photos in high quality over at flickr, and tell everyone how great the last taqueria I went to is on yelp. I seriously admire people who have blogs that are a) public, b) updated frequently*, c) actually interesting, and d) personable. D is always the clincher for me. A blog entry will only hold my interest if I can get a sense of the author's personality. Whether it's quirky or passionate, I just don't want to read blah blah I'm R2D2 blah blah. I need some spice!

*for me, 2x a week is just fine.